Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

Let's get started!

Step 1: A complimentary consultation beforehand will ensure compatibility and

direction. Schedule your no-obligation consultation by clicking the button below.

Step 2: We’ll meet via phone or Zoom for your consult and discuss any questions and information you want to cover.

Step 3: If we decide to work together, we’ll schedule your first appointment and I’ll send you the New Client Information ‘paper’work. If we’re not a good fit, I’ll be happy to share other possible resources with you to help set you up for success with someone else.

Questions? Click here to send me an email!

"Before I began working with Karen, I had a great deal of anxiety, depression and low confidence. I had been able to hide my issues for years which became a physical barrier to a happy life. I am now able to go through my life with confidence, focus and little to no anxiety. Better yet, with the tools that Karen showed me, I can work on my own energy clearing any time I feel the need."   BA • Oregon

"I can't even conjure the state I was in when we began our work together. [1 yr. ago] My present experience is so different. No anxiety to speak of and if it does arise I immediately check in with my thoughts and go through a query process adapted from you. I learned from you there is nothing I cannot handle. Feels great to be relieved of useless fear and worry."  Marcia • New York 

"I’m a coach & before Tapping with Karen, I couldn't release the anxiety & stress I was feeling in my body - despite all my mindset tools. I now have a resource to calm my nervous system & focus on the task at hand. I'm so grateful to have found Karen and the tapping process!  Patricia Cimino • Florida

One-on-One Sessions with Karen 

Wishing your life was different?

You can be.

Imagine feeling better and being able to fast-track your success even though your troubles, wounds, and fears have short-circuited you in the past.

You are smart go-getter who does what it takes to get what you want.

But you’re also living behind a happy mask and the anxiety and stress of it is preventing you from creating the life you really want. You know life doesn’t have to be this way and you’re ready to leave the baggage behind for good and get on with your life.

That’s exactly what we'll achieve in our one-on-one work together. 

Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping, and other energy healing modalities, you’ll learn how to take yourself from dragging, being fearful and worried at every turn, to feeling positive, energized, and like a new person who has the rulebook for the game of life.

I finally released the limiting beliefs and patterns that have hindered my feelings of joy, freedom and inner peace.”   Ellen • Maryland

It's time for you to feel better ...

Know there is nothing you can’t handle, giving you freedom from the fear and worry you’ve carried for so long

Have happy and healthy relationships with your significant other, children, friends, and family

Put your health and well-being first and be able to set boundaries and say no. You’ll discover it’s ok to say no, in fact, it opens doors to miracles (e.g. the pain that finally disappears, the spouse that steps up, the opportunities that come your way)

Try new things with courage, curiosity, and excitement

Feel calm, peaceful and able to disconnect, relax and rejuvenate

Laugh, dance, and enjoy your life

All of this this can quickly happen for you when you work with an expert who will decisively move you forward with focused confidence. All you need to do is show up and let me lead the way.

Here's how it works:

First, we will eradicate the long-held beliefs, fear, and energy that dictate patterns and behaviors that weigh you down and hold you back.

Next, we’ll explore and experiment with living life at a higher vibration, you’ll establish a new vibrational comfort zone and leave the past behind for good. 

All of this means you’ll move into the Miracle Zone, this is where you fall in love with being alive, you’ll have inner peace, and be able to handle life’s curve balls. 

During our time together you'll receive ...

 Five one-hour, one-on-one transformational energy sessions within three months 

Energy Wellness downloadables and my EZ Energy Shifts Reference Guide; a self-guided resource you can use to move yourself up the energy scale

Access to the healing tools you need which can include EFT Tapping; Biofield Tuning; Reiki; Modern Stress Management; Pranic Healing; Intuitive Guidance; Energy in Motion

The result? You will walk away feeling like a new person with a new lease on life.

You're ambitious, successful and others hold you in high esteem.

You look like you've got it all together, you're collected and confident, but you're gripped by fear, worry, and doubt and you can't sleep at night. You’ve tried therapy, journaling, yoga, or maybe even stress-reducing candles, but nothing has given you the results you hoped for. You’re exhausted, starting to feel disillusioned and wondering if this is as good as it’s going to get.

Then again you wonder… what would life look like if I were free from this inner turmoil; free to feel good, enjoy my life, and be successful?

Are one-on-one energy sessions for me?

This IS for you if you’re….

Tired of being stressed, stuck, and overwhelmed and ready to feel confident and live a fulfilling life

Already loving the benefits of group tapping sessions and want more

Seeking transformation that lasts and are ready to put old issues and patterns behind you for once and all

Ready to tackle the deeper, private issues we don’t address in group settings

Looking for faster, deeper, lasting results from your Tapping

This is NOT for you if you…

Are not ready to stop talking about your woes

Don’t want to embrace peace and ease and live life to the fullest

Are unwilling to experiment with new ideas & strategies that will support you in feeling better

It's time for you to go out there and get the “something more” that’s waiting for you.

Your investment in your well-being and a new lease on life is only $1250.

You deserve to go after the things you want in life.

The time is now.

Why would you wait any longer?

How do I know this works?

For over a decade, I’ve worked with ambitious people, like you, who appear successful on the outside but are falling apart on the inside.

As an internationally Certified EFT Tapping Master Practitioner and Empowerment Coach, I’ve worked with a multitude of men and women, freeing them from the issues and turmoil that have held them back.

I’ve had the honor of hosting hundreds of worldwide tapping events, helping people in more than thirty countries experience more ease in life and success in business.

Check out my training and credentials here.

Your feel-good work will help others feel good too; a portion of all revenue is donated to support Charity: Water and the VB Community Based Organization Children's Education Fund.